Monday, August 11, 2008


I for one am relieved that John Edwards showed his eternal love for his wife and waited until she was in remission before he put it to Rielle Hunter. As Edwards said Rielle let's get this over with you never know what Elizabeth's doctor is going to call to say she that her cancer has come back. The biggest winner is Bill Clinton. Just when Clinton's supporters and detractors were shaking their heads about Wee Willie's bizarre behavior over the past 18 months John The Ambulance Chaser Edwards let him off the hook as the biggest dirt bag in American Politics. So when Hillary's henchmen leaked the story about Edwards they buried him and got pencil dick off the front pages.

Let's see 15K a month for Montecito resident Andy Young and 15K for Rielle that's 30K a month plus incidentals. Good thing that Fred Baron didn't tell Edwards about it. In his moronic stump speech where he talked about the two Americas Edwards pledged that if he became President he would insure everyone a shot at the American dream. Well he fullfilled his promise to Rielle with one shot. She is now living large.

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