Thursday, October 9, 2008


For those of you who are old enough to remember there was a great show with Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca called "Your Sow of Shows' One of the great lines that Imogene would say to Sid was that "It was bigger than the both of us." Didn't matter what it was it was just too big. Over 50 years later here we are and it looks like it is bigger than all of us. We have a credit mess that seems to be without an answer. A problem that while partially caused by Wall Street was initially caused by our friends in Washington and their pals on K Street. Think about it we had the best minds in the world working on Wall Street with one goal in mind to make money. Not a bad idea but the problem was not because of a lack of regulation but no resolve to enforce the regulations that were already on the books. Why is that you may ask because it did not benefit the folks in DC if there was no irrational exuberance so that everyone thought everything was great. Remember it is not how you are doing but how you think you are doing. You think Bill Clinton and his pals wanted to put the searchlight (by the way Searchlight, Nevada the hometown of Harry Reid) of truth on what happened during his 8 years when most of the seeds of this crisis were planted. Of course not lest Bill Clinton be deprived of 4 more years in the White House. Clinton who was like the guys who used to spin multiple plates on the Ed Sullivan Show just wanted things to keep spinning so he could continue to enjoy the good life. Remember while this is the guy that felt your pain he was also feeling something else in the Oval Office.

So now we are trying to figure the whole thing out. Point one want to give people back the confidence that is needed tell them their money is safe in the bank. That does not cost the FDIC one penny guarantee it all. Secondly the total amount of mortgages in this country is currently at 12 trillion with 6% being in default not foreclosure but default. Do the math that comes to 720 billion. Guarantee all those mortgages by fixing the rate and extending the term to make the numbers work. When most of grew up in the 50's and 60's the goal was to pay off your mortgage and own your house free and clear. The reality is that most people who buy a house today will probably be in debt their entire lifetime. So let's bring in 50year mortgages and have the banks issue a fixed rate 50 year term at 5.25%. The banks would go for it in a heartbeat as they get the coupon for a longer period of time and they would actually have people living in the house on which they hold a mortgage.

The net answer is put people in charge who actually want to fix the problems not politicans on both sides who benefit from the chaos.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


In the movie Casablanca Claude Rains shuts down Rick's American Cafe because he was shocked to find out that there was gambling on the premises. As he is shutting it down one of the croupiers walks up to him and hands him his winnings from the same gambling tables that he just shut down.

Well the same thing is happening in the domestic financials markets. Members of Congress and members of the executive branch are shocked by the magnitude of the crisis. These are the same folks that created the problem to begin with. The large part of this problem was created in the 1990's when Wee Willie Clinton needed a populist rallying cry so he said that was everyone should own a home in this country. Instead of everyone should have opportunity to make enough money to buy a home that they can afford. We all know that everyone should nor more own a home then they should own a Bentley. This crew on the ship of fools continue to float along on a magical mystery tour. Talk about hypocrisy Chris Dodd is calling for caps on executive compensation when he tooks hundreds of the thousands of dollars from his buddies at Fannie and Freddie and almost singlehandly allowed them to turn a government guaranteed organization into their personal hedge fund. Using the Feds bank account to achieve their own financial goals. Maybe Dodd should take a paycut. Then there was Alan "I have never been wrong in my life" Greenspan who when asked about the ever increasing percentage of mortgage debt to personal income said that the increase in home prices would create a cushion for the homeowners. Well Al that works until it doesn't.

In this era of transferring personal responsibility to collective responsibility it is very troubling that we have the likes of Chuckie Schummer, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and the like to lead out of this mess. Tell you how bad it is the smartest one of the entire crew is Richard Shelby.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Memo to a future President don't allow the inmates to run the asylum. Carlee "I hate everyone" Fiorina John McCain's economic advisor and tie to the corporate executive suites of the world told the clowns at MSNBC that McCain and Palin did not have the experience necessary to run a major corporation. Hey Carlee shut the F up. Let's not make this harder then it already is. Incredible that she would even go on the Obama Network let alone give the opposition ammunition.

Well worry not one small mistake can't derail the Republican team. The New York Obama Times had five seperate articles on Sunday taking a run at Sarah P. Well keep em comin Commissar Sulzberger in case you didn't figure it out Americans like an underdog. Maureen Dowd who is bi-polar without the ups continues to trash Sarah. Hey Mo what are you afraid of ?

Hillary finally made it out on the campaign trail and is trying to help BO raise some dough. How much money does this guy need. He doesn't need to give any more to Right Rev Jerry Wright, maybe he is building his nest egg after he loses the race.

Well anyway we are heading the in right direction.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Large Women Singing

We all know the expression "It's not over until the fat lady sings." Well why it is far from over I can hear a fat senator dressed in a canary pants suit warming up her vocal cords. BO has his hands full with "Superbitch" and her STD infected "husband". When BO decided to pick Senator Hairplugs he gave up any chance of becoming the next President. So when they airlift Thunder thighs out on the campaign trail for BO lets see what her level of enthusiam looks like. Me thinks she would probably put more energy into a three way with Bill and Monica.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


There is an old expression "That people in glass houses should not throw stones" I always thought that people in glass houses might want to dress in the basement but I digress. It is absolutely amazing to me that BO and his campaign toadies are going after Sarah Palin's church affiliation. Yes guys she did and does belong to a pentacostal chuch where some of the members speak in tongues and try to convert gays to hetrosexuality through prayer. OK Iget it maybe a little non mainstream but let's compare that to the teaching of the Right Reverand Wright of the I Hate Whitey Church. I for one fear the congregation of Sarah's house of worship a lot less than I do the followers of Rev Wrong. It continues to amaze me on the how the left can't get it right. The level of hypocrisy is overwhelming this year. Nancy Pelosi can be I am women with her five kids but Sarah can't. BO admits to smoking dope, snorting coke and many other illegal activities and they are all over Todd Palin for a DUI 22 years ago.

Hillary has been very quiet I guess she is gearing up for the one campaign event she is going to do for BO, that's the one they are going to hold in a phone booth. And Wee Willie who the hell knows where he is and frankly who cares.

Keith Oberman and Chris Matthews are trying to keep their pants dry asthey get wet everytime they see or hear BO. Oberman makes Michael "I ate Al Gore and Liked It" Moore look like an objective commentator. Matthews who is a like a rat on crack makes it very easy on his guests he asks the question answers them and then goes to commercial. Matthews who was Eleanor Clift before the sex change is starting to sound like Rosie O'Donnell.

Well that's it for today keep your head up Repubs only 58 days till victory.

Friday, August 29, 2008


There is an old Chinese expression "That a dream that lasts too long turns into a nightmare." Well last night we saw BO and is dream speech for some and if he is elected it will be a nightmare for the rest of us. The arrogance was palpable last night when Barry O tried to use the MLK Jr. anniversary of his GREAT dream speech to try to inspire the 80,000 cool aid sippers that attended Woodstock West. There was Oprah who could not attend the first part of the convention until she found her diamond encrusted Barrack Obama glasses. The other usual suspects were there Al "Hefty Bag" Gore, The Clinton twins Hill and Chelsea, Bill could not stay he has a pressing engagement in Vegas, and of course Nancy :The Idiot" Pelosi to make sure no one got out of line.

Remember the Mondale line "Where's the beef" well last night it was "Where's the ribs". Right after he said he would lay out the specifics in his plan to change our country he went again to tell us about his plan that would do nothing more then redistribute the wealth in this country.

No Barry O we do not need you to help us dream and help us turn this nation around. We are doing just fine thank you and I for one suggest that maybe it is you who need to turn around and just leave town.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well there was Hill last night looking simply marvelous in her Orange traveling pant suit. If you remember the old Groucho Marx show "You Bet Your LIfe" one of the savior questions at the end for the folks who couldn't answer any of the questions was "What color is an orange" well Hillary got it wrong last her orange was brown. As brown as the crap that comes out of her tail section. Was her speech meant to inspire and set the stage for her run in four years or was it meant to unify. Tough question me thinks unity was not on her mind. Tonite her life partner will be up to heal the wounds that he opened up early and often in the party of Al Gore. As this Ship of Fools cruise continues we can only look forward to more laughs along the way.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


OK last night was the first night of the week that was. Nancy Pelosi kicked off the an air fun with her imitation of Moms Mabley only difference she had no hat. Shorted Allergan stock today maker of Botox because clearly there are major side effects that are not listed on the bottle. Here is the first speaker of the house who can not put a sentence together. As someone said ol Nancy is not the one whose test paper you would have cheated from in High School presumming she made high school.

Next came Caroline Kennedy (noticed no mention of her married name ever) and then Uncle Teddy. While the vidoe was touching don't know if I would have gone with the nautical theme.

Then onto the Keynote speaker Michelle Obama. OK Michelle we get it you are smart, you are a great mom, and you love your husband. These are qualities for those of us who are old enough to remember the tv show in the late 50's Queen for a Day. So Michelle be on the lookout for a washer dryer. If you were trying to convince us that you are not angry you made a valiant effort but came up a little short. And I am sure Hillary appreciated the kind words you threw her way.

All in all quite a night very fitting for this three ring circus. If BO was looking for a bounce from Biden's joing the team and Michelle O's speech he needs to keep looking Last time I checked he was tied with McClain.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Well today is the start of the Democratic National Convention or better known to most thinking folks as "Mutants on Parade" or "Jerry Springer and Friends meet Montel Williams" First up to tell us what she has to say is Michelle Obama. Ms. Obama will tell us why her husband is the right guy to become President of the United States. She will tell us that Barack is a good and decent man who knows what is best for this country. She will tell us how proud she is of her husband. I hope she is more proud of him then she is of her country. BO certainly knows what's best for America remember he is the one who said "America is the greatest country in the world, I want you to help me change it."

Look for Hillary to continue to negotiate to get her campaign debt paid for by BO. Her leverage is you don't pay I won't play the good soldier. It is so wonderful that she can be bought for a few bucks. Wednesday night Wee Willie is back on center stage. What can this clown possibly say to turn things around. I was only kidding when I said the only reason BO got the nomination is because he is an African American. This is going to be fun.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


After a night of partying the night away at the Sisters of Sappho Club in New York Hillary was really tired when she got back to her midtown hotel. Not 15 minutes after she took off her flannel shirt and birkenstock stilletos the phone rang. It was James Carville, Lanny Davis, Paul Begala, Harold Ickes, and the rest of the Clinton attack team. Hillary answered and Carville said Madame President we have a problem. Hillary resonded James I know I have a problem but Bill is always going to be a problem. No Madame President Barack just picked Joe Biden as his running mate. Oh Shit said Hill with him on the ticket BO has a chance. James what do you think I should do. Well said Paul Begala you can't date him like you did with Vince Foster, Hill responds please don't remind me of having to sleep with that guy. He could never get the strap on right. Ickes chimes in I could plant a story and say he was client number 10. No said Lanny David I am number 10 and no one would believe it any way Biden is a boy scout. Well this blows said Hill this could put that idiot over the top. OK here is what we have to do. Biden is smart, very few skeletons, and is very by the most the public as a real brigtht guy. So trying to blow this guy up is going to be hard. I do have one idea is Teddy Kennedy still able to drive and can we get him to drive Biden to the convention?

Friday, August 22, 2008


So BO and his followers are concerned about the number of houses that John McCain and his wife own. Boy that's real important stuff. How about being concerned about the people who just lost their house Barry O. Hey Barack are you pissed off at Candy Spelling who just sold her 56,500 square foot house to buy a 47 million dollar condo. Let's see I don't understand the issues facng this country and I still don't know why the Russians have tanks in the streets of Atlanta, Georgia (wrong continent Barry) so let me jump on the class warfare band wagon. Kind of reminds me of our wonderful Senator Babs Boxer who when asked any question about any subject responds "That problem could be solved as a long as a women has a right to choose

Should be a great convention. The Clinton triplets Hill, Bill and Chels will be there. BO and his VP and the other usual suspects. What a crew maybe we can get Mike Dukakis to make a cameo appearance.

Wonder what accent BO will use for his acceptance speech in front of the 75,000 Stepford attendees at Invesco Field. Don't know if you noticed but BO has turned from his Harvard mumble to speaking more like a brother every day.

Stay tuned this will be fun.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well when we last left the presumptive Democratic nominee Barack "Barry Hussein" Obama he was trying to figure out what he wanted to be when he grew up. Some of his handlers were looking for him to stay the smug intellectual elitist who has a complete disdain for the average American while the others wanted him to get into hand to hand combat with his Republican challenger. And that is the point this guy does not know who he is. He continues to float around the issues and tell everyone what they want and need to hear (not unlike alot of politicans) but he does it in the most distasteful way he truly believes his own BS to the degree that he turns off some of his supporters. Remember Al The Whale Gore and his magical mystery tour of the Alpha Male zone. Well thats what we have with BO. He will continue to wake up each morning and say to himself what do I want to be today. Worry not fellow ragers this guy is going no place.

Friday, August 15, 2008


As we konw politics is a rough game and sometimes a dangerous one. Don't know if you caught it but BO's plane had a too make an emergency landing in St. Louis the other day. Turns out that the pilot reporting that he was having trouble controlling the pitch of the plane at altitude so he he landed in St. Louis instead of Charlotte. Kind of makes sense when it was reported that one of the mechanics in Los Angeles where the flight started had a strong resemble to Hillary C. The TSA employee said I have never seen a maintenance person wearing a pant suit before. We all know of Clinton's use of aircraft to resolve open issues don't we Mr. Brown. That is Ron Brown of course former Sec of Commerce who went down on a chartered flight right before he going to answer some questions about his role in a couple of Clinton extracurricular events.

Speaking of our friends the Clintons Jesse Jackson is really pissed at Wee Willie. Jesse who perfected the term I want your money in my pocket through the use of charities (Remember Operation PUSH which took 8 milllion from Uncle Sam never accounted for a dime and when he was time to pay back the dough he bankrupted the charity.) Well Bill is making Jesse look like an amateur through his Clinton Foundation. Mark my words when fully investigated the Clinton Library and this NGO will make Jesse look like a choirboy.

Can't wait for the convention and be careful if you go to Denver that week, make sure you sleep with one eye open.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I for one am relieved that John Edwards showed his eternal love for his wife and waited until she was in remission before he put it to Rielle Hunter. As Edwards said Rielle let's get this over with you never know what Elizabeth's doctor is going to call to say she that her cancer has come back. The biggest winner is Bill Clinton. Just when Clinton's supporters and detractors were shaking their heads about Wee Willie's bizarre behavior over the past 18 months John The Ambulance Chaser Edwards let him off the hook as the biggest dirt bag in American Politics. So when Hillary's henchmen leaked the story about Edwards they buried him and got pencil dick off the front pages.

Let's see 15K a month for Montecito resident Andy Young and 15K for Rielle that's 30K a month plus incidentals. Good thing that Fred Baron didn't tell Edwards about it. In his moronic stump speech where he talked about the two Americas Edwards pledged that if he became President he would insure everyone a shot at the American dream. Well he fullfilled his promise to Rielle with one shot. She is now living large.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well our world travel the presumptive Democratic Nominee has returned to his second home the United States of America. Who does the Citizen of the World drop in on on his first day back but dumb and dumber Nancy P and Harry R, what a combo. After a spirited meeting with the Democratic leadership behind closed doors BO emerged to tell us that he appreciates the support of the Democratic congressional team and he can't wait to work with them between now and election day. Great news for John McCain that's right I would want my opponent to campaign with a group of folks who have a public approval rating of 9%. If you saw his face when he spoke about how excited he was to work with those folks you would of thought that Hillary dropped a dime on him.

Good luck BO with Nancy, Harry, Henry Waxman, Chuckie Schummer and Charlie Rangel. With friends like that who needs you know what.


Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama (let’s call him BO for short) has selected his VP candidate for the 2008 election. BO shocked some but not many after he selected Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki as his running mate. While some may question his decision BO said that as he is a citizen of the world there was no other choice after the Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe turned him down. BO did say that despite been turned down by Mugabe he would consider him for Secretary of State. Al-Maliki is expected to help with fund raising and should help BO in Dearborn, Michigan with its large Muslim population. Members of the Hill were quick to comment. Hillary Clinton suggested that there is no certainty that BO will get the nomination as she left to go to Brooklyn to meet with one of her campaign supporter Anthony “Little Pussy” Russo who has been retained by the suspended Clinton campaign to deal with some lingering campaign issues. Harry Reid said it was a logical choice and he was looking forward to working with al-Maliki during the campaign. He said he was extremely grateful that al-Maliki had arranged for the first casino license in Baghdad to go one of Reid’s sons. Nancy Pelosi who is recovering in George Washington University Hospital for excessive botox tried to applaud the decision but has not be able to move any of her body parts above her waist for the last two years. Most mainline Democrats were in favor with the decision with the notable exception of Barbara Boxer and Lois Capps who did not know who al-Maliki was. Lois Capps asked if he had sold her a newspaper at the Ronald Reagan National Airport and why he would be selected to run for VP. Another notable dissenter was BO’s wife Michelle. Michelle questioned the decision when there were some many qualified American candidates like Bobby Seal, any of the Cleever kids (Elddrgie that is) or Angela Davis. Ms. BO said that she wants to be proud of her husband’s selection.

When asked about selections for the rest of his cabinet BO suggested the following. George Soros Sec of Defense, noted Ob-Gyn Ronald Haberstein as Sec of Labor, DB Cooper as Sec of Transportation, and Tony Rezko as Atty General.

All in all it has been quite a week for BO. Stay tuned this could get interesting.

And yes the Voice of Rage is back!!!!!!