Friday, August 15, 2008


As we konw politics is a rough game and sometimes a dangerous one. Don't know if you caught it but BO's plane had a too make an emergency landing in St. Louis the other day. Turns out that the pilot reporting that he was having trouble controlling the pitch of the plane at altitude so he he landed in St. Louis instead of Charlotte. Kind of makes sense when it was reported that one of the mechanics in Los Angeles where the flight started had a strong resemble to Hillary C. The TSA employee said I have never seen a maintenance person wearing a pant suit before. We all know of Clinton's use of aircraft to resolve open issues don't we Mr. Brown. That is Ron Brown of course former Sec of Commerce who went down on a chartered flight right before he going to answer some questions about his role in a couple of Clinton extracurricular events.

Speaking of our friends the Clintons Jesse Jackson is really pissed at Wee Willie. Jesse who perfected the term I want your money in my pocket through the use of charities (Remember Operation PUSH which took 8 milllion from Uncle Sam never accounted for a dime and when he was time to pay back the dough he bankrupted the charity.) Well Bill is making Jesse look like an amateur through his Clinton Foundation. Mark my words when fully investigated the Clinton Library and this NGO will make Jesse look like a choirboy.

Can't wait for the convention and be careful if you go to Denver that week, make sure you sleep with one eye open.

1 comment:

Econophile said...

Rager ought to drink less coffee at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.